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We are a group of three:


We are a group of three women from different backgrounds who feel strongly about the environment, the effects of climate change, the role that the natural environment plays in the lives of people and how they are affected by it. 


Benta is an actress who has acted in both local and international fils and documentaries that have been filmed here and abroad. She recently featured on Housemates on K24, a local TV station.

Christine is a producer and works with different media houses. And Sarah, the Author, the brains behind all the information that has been researched, written and compiled here.

I am a mother, a friend, a dragon slayer, a concept maker, script writer and make dreams from ashes. But up and above everything, we are here for a common cause: a solution to drought and famine in Kenya so that all the inhabitants of North Eastern Kenya can live with comfort, pride and dignity because water is their right.


A Hook To Fish


​We go by the adage that when you give a man a fish, you feed him for a day but when you teach him how to fish, or you give him a fishing hook, you feed him for a lifetime.

We offer hope to the hopeless, we give new dreams to people who have never dared to dream such big dreams before because they could not see beyond their current situation.

We offer the hope that even though it seemed insumountable and impossible before for the inhabitants of this region to think that something could be done about the drought and famine that assail them yearly, it is possible and we will do the best we can to give them the most precious thing they need: water.

This region can become a haven of fresh produce and an economic hub not only for the locals but also for people in the diaspora who want to invest back home. But in order to get there, we need to assist in getting the water treatment plant up and running.

The Problem With Water


We create awareness about water, how to use water responsebly and how to treat used water so that it can be used again in order to conserve it. We show people how to use used water after treating it to grow crops, and other foodstuffs.

We target women and children mostly because they are the most adversly affected. This is done because it is this gender that worries and is challenged by socio-economic considerations.

We also look at the climate and how its changes in sub saharan Africa impacts on on livelihoods and how we can assist people to change so that they combat the challenges they have. For instance, getting water to north eastern will mean creating awareness that will cause the inhabitants to change from being pastorolists into Agriculturalists.




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